Is it possible that a TEMP partner is also a member of a LEC/the PHERECLOS project consortium?

Is it possible that a TEMP partner is also a member of a LEC/the PHERECLOS project consortium?
We expect from TEMPs the continuation and creative development of LEC activities and as well as of good practice cases. We leave a great deal of freedom here, hoping to bring new ideas. We do not define specific goals of TEMP, we leave an open space. The selection criteria only give general expectations such as broad dissemination of innovative methods and models, implementation of STEAM activities, diversity of actors and real contribution to change of everyday school practices.
Of course, this is not a clear answer what we precisely expect, but our expectations are not precisely defined, by their nature.
What do we expect from TEMP programme? That is: what kind of organizations do we want? What kind of activities, projects, collaborations do we want to promote? What outcomes should the TEMPs produce?
Both, the Consortium partners and the LEC partners are not eligible, however, the other (not LEC’s partners) organisations from the LEC’s countries formally are not excluded…
Who is eligible to apply for TEMP Partnership? Are the Consortium Partners eligible, are the partners of the LECs eligible? Or, on the other hand, do we want only organizations form countries not already included in Phereclos
Due to the definition in Project Agreement the Project Committee is a body set out of all consortium partners representatives (one person from each of the consortium partners) and due to Agreement, the final decision of selection TEMP’s proposals should be undertaken by this Committee.