Open Schooling together
Open Schooling together is a collaboration between 7 European H2020-projects to spread the word about how schools, local communities, policy-makers, museums, sciences centers and other local stakeholders can rethink learning boundaries.
Schools as Living Labs, Make it Open, OSHub, PHERECLOS, PULCHRA, CONNECT and MOST, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, work in the same direction: actively involving local communities in the teaching and learning process to help European schools becoming hotbeds of innovation and agents of community well-being.
The 7 projects promote the concept of open schooling: a concrete new way to approach science education programs by fostering collaboration between schools and local communities. Students, teachers, and their communities are invited to develop research and innovation projects to address relevant local challenges, contribute to community development, and promote an active global citizenship attitude.
Sharing the same goal, the 7 projects developed common channels to raise awareness on the opportunities of open schooling and on the different methodologies to implement this concept. Find their latest guidelines, best practices, research outcomes, and upcoming events by following @OStogether on Twitter and by signing up for the Open Schooling together newsletter.
Any other ongoing open schooling initiative is welcome to join at any point. Please contact OStogetherH2020 (a) gmail.com