PHERECLOS Sailor: Corso Intelligenza Emotiva

A PHERECLOS Sailor Badge is awarded to persons showing interest and basic knowledge in the concept of Open Schooling.
The Sailor Badge is a sign of involvement and participation. It is the first sign of being part of an Open Schooling culture.
The course “L’intelligenza emotiva ai tempi del COVID-19”, intended for teachers and educators, was organized between August and November 2020 by SISSA Medialab and prepared by Clic Trieste as part of the activities of the Trieste Local Educational Cluster (LEC) to provide tools to engage with pupils and students during the coronavirus emergency. Participants were introduced to Phereclos project, to its website and communities and to the concept of open schooling. Then, the main objectives of the workshops were a more balanced management of one’s own and others’ emotions, the promotion of strategies to cope with stress and promote well-being, and the management of issues exacerbated by isolation and discomfort (bullying, cyber-bullying, the improper use of technological tools, the stigmatization of differences …).
The course took place digitally and was divided into four theoretical modules (2-hour meetings) and two practical laboratories (2-hour each) during which teachers were grouped by school levels.